要 拼 才 會 贏 !!! 拼出頭!
Be thankful for what you have, you will end up having more;
to Taipei Maisen Lions Country Club!
MaiSen Lions Club (LC) was established on
July 26, 2014 chartered under
Taipei Chang An Lions Club.
依規舉行了三次的籌備會議後,於2014年7月26日 假華漾中崙店,盛大舉行成立大會,並編輯發送「創會特刊」詳細記載了創始的源由、成員及來自各界的祝福。 麥森獅子會,由一群年輕的、來自各行各業的青年才俊所組成,我們關懷弱勢,懷抱"We Serve"的獅子精神,並感謝獅子會這樣聯誼性質的社團,讓我們學習分享、友誼、共好、陪伴、情義相挺!使我們的品格在豐富的友情和愛裡「一邊學習強大,一邊學習柔軟」、「一邊取之於社會,一邊回饋給社會」
“We serve” by participating in activities such as
Annual Sports Day,
Yi Lan Winter Community Service
for“needy” families,
and our first annual participation in World Animal Day
celebration in Taipei.
麥森的會員,事業服務全球,因此立足台灣放眼世界,平時會務中文與英語並行,我們的價值觀開放而多元、廣納人才的加入,尊重並傾聽每位獅友的聲音。更在欒創會長慎寰的演說分享中,我們共同學習著成為一個「富而好禮」的、「有眼光」的人! 喜歡麥森獅子會的文化嗎?歡迎您的加入!願與您共同成長!
MaiSen LC consists of young individuals
with diverse international backgrounds
from all walks of life.
We can be considered a bilingual club
as meetings
are conducted both in English and Chinese.
Together we can MAKE IT! Soichiro Honda (Founder of Honda Motor Company) states, “The Power of Dreams.”