Taipei Elite Lions Club
快樂服務 友誼至上
  • 台北市菁英獅子會
  • 台北市內湖區內湖路二段355巷1號11樓
  • 電話:02-27904813
  • 傳真:02-27905503
  • 電郵:
    pilan1208 @gmail.com

  • 最後修改時間:2016/05/27
    首頁 > 活動報導 > 活動花絮
    • 15-16會職員暨新獅友研習會15-16 will staff and New Lions Seminar
    • 葉碧蘭會長帶領菁英獅姐們出席子會菁彩獅子會10週年交接授證典禮P3.Ye Bilan president led the elite lion sister child will attend the Lions Jing Cai "Cai Jing 10 years, Love eternal" charter ceremony.P3.
    • 葉碧蘭會長帶領菁英獅姐們出席子會菁彩獅子會10週年交接授證典禮P2.Ye Bilan president led the elite lion sister child will attend the Lions Jing Cai "Cai Jing 10 years, Love eternal" charter ceremony.
    • 葉碧蘭會長帶領菁英獅姐們出席子會菁彩獅子會10週年交接授證典禮P1Ye Bilan president led the elite lion sister child will attend the Lions Jing Cai "Cai Jing 10 years, Love eternal" charter ceremony
    • 15-16年度兒童服務委員會 前置作業內部籌備會議Lead internal preparatory meeting for the Children's Services Committee
    • 15-16年度YCE台北國際青少年育樂營隊歡送會P3. Elite Lions farewell 15-16 annual Taipei International Youth YCE recreational camp -Time to say good-bye.P3.