Taipei Elite Lions Club
快樂服務 友誼至上
  • 台北市菁英獅子會
  • 台北市內湖區內湖路二段355巷1號11樓
  • 電話:02-27904813
  • 傳真:02-27905503
  • 電郵:
    pilan1208 @gmail.com

  • 最後修改時間:2016/05/27
    首頁 > 活動報導 > 活動花絮
    • 參加國際獅子會台灣總會300MD交接典禮Lions Clubs International Federation of Taiwan to attend the handover ceremony
    • P2.菁英獅子會7月第二次例會暨慶賀菁典獅子會5週年交接授證典禮Lions in July to celebrate the second regular meeting-cum-child would Elegant Lions charter ceremony of the 5th anniversary of the handover.
    • P3.菁英獅子會7月份第二次例會暨慶賀菁典獅子會5週年交接授證典Lions in July to celebrate the second regular meeting-cum-child would Elegant Lions charter ceremony of the 5th anniversary of the handover.
    • 15-16年度 第一次擴大區務會議15-16 Service & Sincere first executive meeting of the enlarged section Dianhua flagship shop on the fifth floor held
    • 參加2015年度慈幼營活動2015 to participate in the annual Salesian camp
    • 菁英獅子會登山健行隊-陽明山竹子湖P1.Elite Lions Hiking team - Yangmingshan Bamboo Lake P1.