15-16年度台北國際青少年YCE育樂營- p2.Elite Lions farewell 15-16 annual Taipei International Youth YCE recreational camp -Time to say good-bye.
15-16年度YCE國際青少年育樂營隊閉幕典禮p1.15-16 annual YCE International Youth recreational camp closing ceremony. P1.
啟動〝Just Ask!只要問一下〞~Start "Just Ask!
15-16年度台北YCE國際青少年育樂營開幕典禮暨歡迎之夜15-16 YCE annual Taipei International Youth Camps Opening Ceremony and Welcome Night.
菁英及子會菁愛獅子會~YCE接待家庭的接機Elite Lions and Jing love Lions ~ YCE Host family pick-up
p1.菁英獅子會7月份第二次例會暨慶賀子會菁典獅子會5週年交接授證典禮Elite Lions in July to celebrate the second regular meeting-cum-child would Elegant Lions charter ceremony of the 5th anniversary of the handover.